Webinar IEEE Student Activities Award

IEEE SB JCET and IEEE IAS SBC JCET jointly conducted a Webinar on IEEE Student Activities Award. The session was handled by Ms.Staji Wilson,Volunteer IEEE Kerala Young Professionals on 28th March 2020 from 6 pm-8 pm .The Webinar focused on making everyone aware about the various awards offered by IEEE. There were around 55 participants from various sections across R10. The session can be divided into 4 parts.


The first part was about 5 major Student Activities awards which included:

  • Larry K Wilson Regional Student Volunteer Award
  • IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award 
  • The Darrel Chong Student Activity Award
  • IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor/ Chapter Advisor Award 
  • IEEE Student Branch Website Contest (Global and Regional)


The Second Part was about Region 10 SAC Awards which comprised of: 

  • Outstanding Student Branch Award
  • Outstanding Student Volunteer Award


The third part was about the Global WIE Awards. During this part ,the details about 4 major awards were explained. It encompassed:

  • IEEE Women in Engineering Inspiring Member of the Year Award
  • IEEE Women in Engineering Inspiring Student Member of the Year Award
  • IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group of the Year Award
  • IEEE Women in Engineering Student Branch Affinity Group of the Year Award


The fourth part was about Region10 WIE Awards. 4 awards were discussed in this part. They were:

  • R10 Outstanding Student Branch Affinity Group Award 
  • R10 WIE Section Affinity Group Award
  • R10 Outstanding Professional Volunteer Award
  • R10 Outstanding Student Volunteer Award 


Participants used the platform to clear their doubts effectively. Er.Anandhu S Kumar & Er.Anish MS showed their  support in the form  of their support. Er.Anandhu S Kumar also wholeheartedly volunteered to clear the doubt of the delegates about OU Analytics & Vtools. It was a fruitful & Interactive session.


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